Yuyu Niu, Ph.D.
Dean & Professor of Faculty of Life Science and Technology, KUST
Associate Director and Professor of State Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research
Gene editing, Primate embryonic development
Research in Yuyu Niu's laboratory is focused on early embryo development and reprogramming, particularly preimplantation embryo development which play an important role in cell differentiation and organ initiation, and therefore have a significant on human disease. Over the last decade, Dr. Niu has made significant contributions to non-human primate genetic engineering and early embryo development that include: 1) the first transgenic rhesus monkey in China (PNAS 2010); 2) the first monkey model with genome engineered by precision gene-targeting methods (Cell 2014; Cell 2017); 3) the continuous development of monkey embryos in vitro beyond early gastrulation and to 20 days post fertilization (Science 2019). Built on the strength in non-human primate research, the Yuyu Niu's laboratory has expanded its capability to use a variety of state-of-the-art techniques, including single cell transcriptomics, cell lineage tracing, stem cells, somatic cell nuclear transfer and CRISPR/Cas9-based genomic editing tounderstand the molecularevents at the beginning of primate life and cell reprogramming. In addition, the lab has studied on mechanism and biomarker of neurodegeneration diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
1.Kang Y, D. S.,Zeng Y, Wang F, Yang P, Yang Z, Pu Y, Li Z, Chen X, Tian B, Si W, Ji W*, Niu Y*. Cloningand base editingof GFP transgenic rhesus monkey and off-target analysis.Science Advances,doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo3123(2022). (* co-corresponding author)
2.Zhu X, G. Y., Chu C, Liu D, Duan K, Yin Y, Si C, Kang Y, Yao J, Du X, Li J, Zhao S, Ai Z, Zhu Q, Ji W*, Niu Y*, Li T*. BRN2 as a key gene drives the early primate telencephalon developmentScience Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abl7263 (2022). (* co-corresponding author)
3.Zhong T, W. J., Wu K, Chen L, Zhao F, Pei Y, Wang Y, Zhang H, Wu Z, Huang Y, Li T, Wang L, Chen Y, Ji W, Zhang Y, Li G*, Niu Y*. Longitudinal brain atlases of early developing cynomolgus macaques from birth to 48 months of age.Neuroimage247, 118799, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118799 (2022). (* co-corresponding author)
4.Yang R, G. A., Kang Y, Si C, Chu C, Zheng Y, Chen Z, Gruber PJ, Xiao Y, Zhou C, Witman N, Eroglu E, Leung CY, Chen Y, Fu J, Ji W*, Lanner F*, Niu Y*, Chien KR*. Amnion signals are essential for mesoderm formation in primates.Nature communications12, 5126 (2021). (* co-corresponding author)
5.Tan T*, W. J., Si C, Dai S, Zhang Y, Sun N, Zhang E, Shao H, Si W, Yang P, Wang H, Chen Z, Zhu R, Kang Y, Hernandez-Benitez R, Martinez Martinez L, Nuñez Delicado E, Berggren WT, Schwarz M, Ai Z, Li T, Rodriguez Esteban C, Ji W*, Niu Y*, Izpisua Belmonte JC*. Chimeric contribution of human extended pluripotent stem cells to monkey embryos ex vivo.Cell184, 2020-2032 e2014, doi:10.1016/j.cell.(2021). (* co-corresponding author)
6.Chu C, Z. W*. , Kang Y, Si C, Ji W*, Niu Y*, Zhang Y*. Analysis of developmental imprinting dynamics in primates using SNP-free methods to identify imprinting defects in cloned placenta.Developmental cell56, 2826-2840. e2827 (2021). (* co-corresponding author)
7.Chen ZZ, W. J., Kang Y, Yang QY, Gu XY, Zhi DL, Yan L, Long CZ, Shen B*, Niu YY*. PINK1 gene mutation by pair truncated sgRNA/Cas9-D10A in cynomolgus monkeys.Zoological Research42, 469 (2021). (* co-corresponding author)
8.Chen C, J. W., Niu Y*. Primate Organoids and Gene-Editing Technologies toward Next-Generation Biomedical Research.Trends in Biotechnology39(12):1332-1342 (2021).
9.Wang F, Z. W., Yang Q, Kang Y, Fan Y, Wei J, Liu Z, Dai S, Li H, Li Z, Xu L, Chu C, Qu J, Si C, Ji W*, Liu GH*, Long C*, Niu Y*. Generation of a Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome monkey model by base editing.Protein & cell11, 809-824 (2020). (* co-corresponding author)
10.Li B, N. Y*., Ji W*, Dong Y*. Strategies for the CRISPR-based therapeutics.Trends in pharmacological sciences41, 55-65 (2020). (* co-corresponding author)
11.Wang D, N. Y*., Ren L, Kang Y, Tai PWL, Si C, Mendonca CA, Ma H, Gao G, Ji W. Gene Delivery to Nonhuman Primate Preimplantation Embryos Using Recombinant Adeno‐Associated Virus.Advanced Science6, 1900440 (2019). (* co-firstauthor)
12.Niu Y*, S. N., Li C, Lei Y, Huang Z, Wu J, Si C, Dai X, Liu C, Wei J, Liu L, Feng S, Kang Y, Si W, Wang H, Zhang E, Zhao L, Li Z, Luo X, Cui G, Peng G, Izpisúa Belmonte JC*, Ji W*, Tan T*. Dissecting primate early post-implantation development using long-term in vitro embryo culture.Science366 (2019). (* co-corresponding author)
13.Kang Y, C. C., Wang F, Niu Y*. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in nonhuman primates.Disease models & mechanisms12, dmm039982 (2019).